The pumpspot
The pumpspotting podcast
We found 1 episode of The pumpspot with the tag “sarah lang”.
Episode 19: Exclusive Pumping is Breastfeeding Too
September 11th, 2020 | Season 1 | 45 mins 31 secs
amanda glenn, breastfeeding, exclusive pumping, ibclc, jasmine tillery, lactation counselor, money and momming, sarah lang
The journey to feed does not look the same for every mother, every family. For some, the journey might be made up entirely of pumping. Exclusive Pumping is a form of breastfeeding and a part of the feeding journey that many mothers experience for many reasons, and it's one that comes with a lot of challenges, a lot of commitment, and a lot of time spent with your breast pump! We've gathered three exceptional women who all have experience exclusively pumping for a special round table discussion.