Episode 6

What you should know about breastfeeding during this pandemic with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Kara Kaikini


May 4th, 2020

35 mins 21 secs

Season 1

Your Host

About this Episode

As COIVD-19 has taken our communities by storm, we’ve had the honor of bearing witness to women’s strength, flexibility and generosity as they care for their families and communities. Within the swirl of news and so much changing day-to-day, our community of moms have shared their worries and important questions, like: Can I keep breastfeeding if I’ve been exposed to Coronavirus? What safety precautions do I need to take when pumping out of the home? How do I find time to feed with both a full family and a full load of work at home? To get answers, we sat down with friend and lactation consultant Kara Kaikini. Kara is the president of the Maine State Breastfeeding Coalition, a trusted breastfeeding educator at Maine Medical Center, and a really lovely mom to two.