Episode 8

Birth In the time of coronavirus: Paige Carroll, CPM and Blair Hicks, CNM


May 14th, 2020

33 mins 37 secs

Season 1

Your Hosts

About this Episode

As we continue to explore COVID-19 through the lens of mothers and women, we wanted to learn more about how the birthing and postpartum experience has been impacted. To help us look at this topic from a few different angles, we spoke with Blair Hicks Terrell, CNM, who is a practicing midwife at a hospital in Knoxville, TN - and also happens to be expecting her first baby very soon. We also catch up with Paige Carroll, CPM, owner of Welcome Home Midwifery, a home birth practice in Knoxville. Theses conversations were so inspiring and revealing. They remind us of the the strength women display as they adapt, grow and lift each other up as they bring new life into the world. Thank you for coming along as we hear their stories.